Get Over 90% Off The Viral Video Bundle

Get the top tools for going viral on YouTube right now!

The One YouTube Resource Bundle to Rule Them All...

The Resources You Need to Accelerate Your Channel Growth - All In One Place

This bundle of courses, downloadable guides, checklists, templates, and more is everything you need to quickly skyrocket your channel to viral video success. This bundle is worth over $900 - but you get it for over 90% off today.

Get your power-packed digital asset bundle that will dramatically shortcut the path to creating (or reviving) your YouTube channel - including our Make Awesome Videos Checklist that walk through our entire video creation process.

We won't be replaced by A.I. - we'll be replaced by people who use A.I. Learn all the top A.I tools that will make your video creation process faster, easier, and higher quality overall. (Sneak peak at OUR internal AI testing and processes)

YouTube Shorts get 50 billion views a day, and you need to be taking your share. The opportunity is now - learn the new rules of what's working with Shorts right now. (This is the course professional YouTubers take to understand shorts!)

Here's Everything You'll Get Out Of This

Limited-Time Offer

Create Awesome Videos Checklist ($47 Value)

Simplify the process for each and every video you create! This checklist shows the exact process Think Media uses on a daily basis and ensures you won't miss anything on your next video shoot.

It covers all of the little details (that can easily be forgotten) to ensure you have the best and most optimized video to put out on your channel. This creates a no-fail system and speeds up the time it takes for you to get your video published!

Video Description Template ($47 Value)


Ever see those super long video descriptions and can't help but wonder if you're missing something on your videos?

Well we've included descriptions templates and more to make sure you have every thing listed out for your viewers. No more worrying about leaving something important out.

Thumbnail Templates ($97 Value)

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Then it's your thumbnails that make your videos stand out in the sea of other YouTube videos. A great thumbnail will separate your video from the rest, increasing the number of people who actually click through on your video and watch!

Copy Think Media's BEST performing thumbnails directly with these easy-to-use Canva templates. 

The YouTube Clarity Blueprint ($97 Value)

You've been trying to get going on YouTube (or thinking of starting for a while), but everything feels overwhelming. You're just not sure how to get going RIGHT. This blueprint will help you get fierce clarity and confidently set yourself up for success.

This blueprint will help you make sure you're making the right videos for the right people so you can the most views and an excited, engaged community of subscribers.

The 15 Best YouTube Title Formulas for Getting Views ($97 Value)

The most critical element for getting attention on your video?

Your video title.

Here at Think Media we've spent years perfecting titles that get clicks, WITHOUT having to turn to clickbait. And we're going to give you 15 of our best title formulas so you can copy them for your videos, no matter your niche.

51 Video Ideas to Jumpstart Your Channel ($47 Value)

We bet you've laid in bed wondering - what video could I possibly create that would be interesting and make people want to watch?

You've had creative blocks. You've doubted yourself. Maybe you've doubted time and time again that the video you make would interest people.

Well, in this download, we're giving you 51 foolproof ideas your audience will surely love.

51 Money Making Video Ideas Guide ($97 Value)

You need money for the mission.

If you want to go full-time on YouTube, you'll want to make sure you’re MAXIMIZING the income you can bring in. In this download, we're going to give you 51 ideas for making money on YouTube.

This way you can avoid getting stuck in the video making cycle without any return on your time and energy. Start implementing these strategies into your video and before long you'll be on your way to monetizing your channel.

BONUS: YouTube Shorts Masterclass ($297 Value)

YouTube Shorts Hits 30 Billion Views Per Day – a 4X increase from the year previous – they continue to explode. This masterclass will reveal how to quickly create YouTube shorts that grow your channel, get you discovered by new people, and build your brand faster than ever before!

Finally — the best opportunity for going viral on YouTube is RIGHT NOW!

In this class, you're going to learn:

  • How one creator grew 1 million subscribers in one month with a simple shorts strategy

  • How to start and what to say in your YouTube shorts to grab and keep viewer attention

  •  How to measure success and trigger the algorithm

  • The perfect shorts video recipe

  • Advanced YouTube Shorts strategies

  • And more!

BONUS: AI For YouTube Guide ($97 Value)

Speed and time saving tools are the key to true financial freedom with YouTube. Free up your workload with resources that will help you move the needle.

This is a power-packed PDF of brand new A.I. tools for YouTube to help you do just that.

  • Discover how A.I. can enhance your content and take your channel to the next level
  • Get the best A.I. tools for saving time and getting more views
  • Grow your YouTube channel faster and more efficiently than ever before
  • and more!

This Bundle is Valued at $923

And you get it for over 90% off - that's just $57.

Learn the One YouTube Strategy I Use that Generates 122,490+ Views Per Day

And generates $100,000+ Per Month (Without YouTube AdSense)


This class is only available for a limited time, so don't put this off!

Once you register for the class, you'll get access to the free class on a private viewing page.


Which types of channels are growing the fastest on YouTube right now.

3 Reasons YouTubers fail and how to avoid these mistakes.

The one power strategy for making money on YouTube even with a smaller channel.

The rules of YouTube and how to use them to generate the best results.



You've watched all the strategy videos...

Could one more class really make a difference?

I know you're busy. Jumping on a live class for an hour may seem impossible with your kids, your work schedule, your errands...

I bet you've also been saying the same thing about starting your YouTube channel... "I just don't have the time or energy today." or "I need to do more research first then I can do this."

So here's the not so gentle nudge...

It's time to stop putting off your goals. Stop putting off that dream. Stop delaying the future you could be creating for yourself and your family.

This class is just a first step, but it's an important one.

Set an hour aside to join this class and learn what you need to do to start and grow on YouTube the RIGHT WAY.

Then we'll help you take the next step. And the next step... until you reach your goals.



This guide will help you implement what you learn on the class with guided prompts. This isn’t just about another video to watch or more research to do, this is about taking action and seeing results!


This is our brand new free membership community at Think Media that happens exclusively in your email inbox. Each week you’ll be sent one actionable step to take to improve your YouTube channel. I want to help you stay on track throughout your growth process. My team and I also do weekly and monthly tech and software giveaways worth thousands of dollars and more! Plus, get rewards when you hit new milestones! Excited to see you in the club.


Learn more about how to create your exact plan and make your first $1,000 on YouTube with this downloadable guide.

"This is just going to be a waste of time..."

When I started shooting videos for my church youth group in 2003… I never believed it would have turned into this.

2 Million Subscribers. WHOA. 

It took over 12 years to get here, and it’s been a bumpy road of HIGHS and LOWS.

When Think Media started, the whole nation was suffering from an economic crash. My wife and I were losing our home and defaulting on our rental property. The church I was working at fell apart after a scandal where senior leadership stole money. And the most terrifying of all, my wife almost died from a chronic illness and botched surgery.

Loaded with over $600,000 of debt and having nothing to show for it - I turned to the one thing I knew best. Video.

At that point, I had a small YouTube channel, and most people would see the first Amazon affiliate payout I made of $2.12 as a waste of time… but I saw it as a seed of hope for the future.

With no certainty or roadmap for how YouTube worked… I committed to learning the game of online video and online business.

All based on the simple hunch that this thing would be here for the long haul.

"This is going to be really hard." 

The side-hustle-struggle is real. During those early years I worked in food service at a burger joint and an espresso stand, I led the media department of a church in Las Vegas, I was a pastor for a year and half -- and the whole time I’d do video and photography jobs on the side for freelance clients. 

That didn’t leave much time for YouTube. But I stayed focused and used whatever extra time and energy I had to post videos and study. 

2015 brought on brand new struggles, at that time I was earning my living from working with freelance clients -- but in one month I was fired by all-of-them losing 90% of my families income in a matter of weeks.

So I had a choice to make: Look for new clients OR go all-in with my YouTube channel and see if I could do this full-time.

It was November 2015. I had built up Think Media to 16,000 subscribers. And I made the decision, excited and scared to death. I’m going all-in.

I didn’t know exactly what it would look like at the time, but I knew I needed to find a way to make YouTube work for me no matter what life threw at my family.

"This can work for you."

Today, Think Media has grown into an entire company staffed with 20+ employees all on a mission to help other people just like me go full-time on YouTube.

So if you can relate to my story at all, I firmly believe this class is for you.

Give me an hour, and I’ll show you the latest strategies to create and grow a thriving YouTube business.

You ready?

The first step to joining me on this journey is signing up for this free class. We can meet each other and I can teach you a ton of my process just in this first hour.

Plus, I have some free bonus resources to help walk you through each step of this process.

When you join this webclass, I'm also going to send you resources each week to help you get to your first or next milestone.

Click the button below and enter your name and email to watch the class now!

What You're Going to Learn

Unlock the secrets to YouTube success with our Viral Video Bundle!

You're not just getting a full bundle of courses—you're seizing the opportunity to revolutionize your channel.

With our YouTube Shorts Masterclass, learn to craft viral Shorts that skyrocket your visibility.

The YouTube Starter Kit is your treasure trove of channel-boosting tools, packed with various resources to guide you in the right direction.

Plus, our A.I. for YouTube Guide unveils how artificial intelligence can catapult your efficiency and views.

Don't just dream about YouTube fame—grab this bundle and make it your reality!

Can I still grow a channel if I don't fit a certain "look?"

YouTube is literally for anyone. That's what makes it "YOU"Tube. With the right niche, you don't have to fit a certain style or mold to grow a channel of engaged subscribers. Everyone feels drawn to different things and different people. We encourage you to stay true to who you are and your people will gravitate to you naturally!

Neo is part of our Video Ranking Academy course and is a double amputee wife and a mom to twin boys. On her channel, she shows how her life doesn't fit the typical narrative but she is still thriving in parenthood. She shines and shows up unapologetically as herself and her channel has now crossed over 350,000 subscribers! 

Do I have to show my face on YouTube?

Not even once! There are countless "faceless" channels that are growing and thriving on YouTube. Some faceless niche examples include cooking, technology, gaming, DIY, and more! And in this course we have an extensive list of other faceless channels that you can grow.

Product-based channels are great options for a faceless YouTube brand. One of our students, TechLevitate, focuses on gaming technology and showcases the latest gear, equipment, and more. This channel has amassed over half a million subscribers without showing the creator behind the channel!

How can videos on my hobbies and interests make me money?

You'd be surprised — there are lots of options for you to earn income once you decide on a profitable niche. If you just want to make content without a set business model in place, it can definitely be done! We'll help guide you in the course on selecting one that aligns with money-making opportunities. Some of these monetization strategies include YouTube AdSense, brand deals, affiliate marketing, and digital products but we'll go over these in greater detail inside the course.

Brick Science is a channel in our Video Ranking Academy community that is dedicated to LEGOs and is sitting at nearly 750,000 subscribers. The basis of this channel is building different LEGO sets and showcasing different kits. You can hyper focus on any hobby or interest and work your way to making money on YouTube, just by sharing what you love with the world.

Will having a YouTube channel really help with my freelance work?

Video is powerful because it paints a picture like nothing else can — it gives you a medium to showcase your work in ways that you can't really convey otherwise. The beauty of making YouTube videos is no matter your workload or schedule, you will have lifelong videos to demonstrate to customers what you have to offer. If you make each video once (the right way), it'll continue to show people what you offer without any additional work involved.

Zar in South Africa is doing this with her graphic design work. She demonstrates how to create and design projects on her channel with easy to follow tutorials, and as a result, she gets clients who want to use her for their own business needs. Even though she's a "smaller" channel, she's been able to go full time with her freelance work because of the traffic and demand she's been able to drive with her YouTube channel.

How can creating a channel really grow my business?

YouTube serves as a high-touch social media platform that drives leads and converts sales. Longer form videos allow people to connect with you and feel like they know you — even trust you without ever speaking to you! These relationships build loyalty and trust with potential customers who are seeking out what you have to offer. And if you do it right, you can grow your business off of just your YouTube channel.

Take Jen DeVore Richter for example, she helps business self publish their magazines (a pretty specific business model). She didn't rely on AdSense or other common forms of YouTube monetization. Instead, she knew YouTube would move the needle for her business with the right videos. Jen was was stoked when our program was able to help her bring in $11,000 in revenue in one week from the strategies we teach.

Video Course

You won't just get a file of downloads - you get build out courses that help walk you through each asset in your bundle.

Easy to Follow Digital Downloads

The digital PDFs will solidify your vision on which niche is the best for you and your YouTube goals.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

Whether day or night, wherever you are, you have lifetime access to this course.


We know the internet is full of experts and tutorials... so why spend your time with us?

Well, we're here to help you find long-term, lasting results. And we have a community of thousands and thousands of creators who have had true success from working with us on these free classes, from applying tips we share in our emails, and from joining our courses. Just check out a few of the amazing testimonials above.

We've packed this free class with value and even added additional bonuses to help you implement all that you learn - we're committed to helping you reach your goals.

Plus, after the class, you'll hear about a special offer on our YouTube Course & Coaching Program (it's a special offer only for our youtube class viewers)

so basically... the only question is why in the world wouldn't you jump into this free class??

We are on a mission to help 10 thousand purpose-driven people create a full-time living while making a difference in the world with YouTube and online video. Helping them build the character and lifestyle that will sustain true success.

About Your Instructor

Sean Cannell is the CEO of Think Media and co-founder of Video Influencers. He is a YouTuber, international speaker, one of today’s leading online video experts and the world’s most watched YouTube strategist.

Sean's YouTube channels combined have over 3 million subscribers, his videos have been viewed over 130 million times. He has been featured in the "20 Must Watch YouTube Channels That Will Change Your Business" by Forbes. After growing a six-figure income as a “Tech YouTuber,” he built a seven-figure online video education company that he still runs today.

He lives in Las Vegas with his wife Sonja and their sons Sean Bradley and John Stephen.

Frequently Asked Questions