Let us know you joined our tribe by using the hashtagÂ
#growwithvideo and tagging us! @SeanCannell @OfficialThinkMedia

Make Sure You're Getting Our Emails
Please make sure you're getting our emails!
This is so you can get access to the challenge and your YouTube Starter Kit (if purchased)!
Search "Think Media" in your promotions tab or spam folder and mark us as a "Safe Sender". Bonus Tip: Reply to an email to help ensure they make it to your email inbox!

Get Started in Your Course Library
Dive into the challenge inside your course library! And if you purchased the YouTube Starter Kit, everything included will be inside your course library that is hosted on our community inside of a platform called Circle. You will get information for accessing your account to your course library in your inbox.
You'll be able to access your course here:
If you have questions about troubleshooting your course, check the FAQs further down on this page.

Share With Your Friends
You'll get more out of this challenge if you take it with a friend! Find an accountability partner and send them to to join in. You'll get so much further faster when you do this together!